

  • Yiguang Hong and Daizhan Cheng, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems, Science Press, Beijing, 2005. (in Chinese)

Selected Journal Papers (after 2001) By Area [By Year]

Distributed Optimization, Coverage, and Games (分布式优化、覆盖和博弈)

  1. X. Wang, Y. Hong, and H. Ji, 2016, Distributed optimization for a class of nonlinear multi-agent systems with disturbance rejection, IEEE Trans. On Cybernetics, vol. 46(7), 1655-1666. [PDF]

Control and Estimation of Multi-agent Systems (多智能体系统控制和估计)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Control (非线性动力学与控制)

Social Networks and Learning (社会网络和学习)

Automata and Hybrid Systems (自动机与混杂系统)

Robotic Systems and Power Systems (机器人和电力系统)

Communication and Software Systems (通信和软件系统)