Prof. Ji-Feng Zhang
     Institute of Systems Science
     Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
     Chinese Academy of Sciences
     Beijing 100190, P.R.China

* Rearch interests
* Education Experience
* Professional Experience
* Honors and Awards
* Activities in Socities
* Activities in Journals
* Activities in Conferences
* Publication List


    Research Interests

    1. System Modelling and Identification
    2. Stochastic Systems
    3. Adaptive Control
    4. Multi-Agent Systems
    5. Systems with Set-Valued Observations

    Education Experience

    1988.09-1991.08: Ph.D in Operation Research and Control Theory
    Institute of Systems Science (ISS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
    1985.09-1988.06: M.Sc. in Operation Research and Control Theory
    Institute of Systems Science, CAS
    1981.09-1985.08: B.Sc. in Control Theory
    Dept. of Math., Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China

    Professional Experience

    1999.01-present: Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences (AMSS), CAS
    2012.06-2022.11: Director of the Institute of Systems Science, AMSS, CAS
    2003.01-2012.06: Deputy Director of the Institute of Systems Science, AMSS, CAS
    2003.03-2009.09: Head of the Laboratory of Systems and Control, CAS
    2000.02-2000.08: Visiting Professor, Dept. of ECE, Wayne State University
    1998.11-2003.02: Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Systems and Control, CAS
    1997.01-1998.12: Professor, Institute of Systems Science, CAS
    1996.12-1998.02: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of MAE, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
    1993.12-1996.12: Associate Professor, Institute of Systems Science, CAS
    1991.11-1992.12: Post-Doctor, Dept. of EE, McGill University
    1991.07-1993.11: Research Associate, Institute of Systems Science, CAS
    1988.07-1991.06: Research Assistant, Institute of Systems Science, CAS

    Honors and Awards

    2022   The 3rd CSIAM Wu Wentsun Prize for Applied Mathematics,
    China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM)
    2022   Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
    2021   Fellow of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM)
    2021   The 2021 Science Popularization Award of the Chinese Association of Automation (CAA)
    2021   First prize of the 2021 Natural Science Award of CAA
    2019   First prize of the 6th Yang Jia-Chi Science and Technology Award,
    CAA and Chinese Society of Astronautics
    2018   The 4th System Science and System Engineering Theory Contribution Award,
    Systems Engineering Society of China
    2018   Outstanding Contribution Award, Technical Committee on Control Theory, CAA
    2018   Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (elected in March 2018)
    2017   CAA Fellow (elected in October 2017)
    2016   Academician of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences
    (appointed in Sept. 2016)
    2016   IFAC Fellow (elected in June 2016)
    2015   Second prize of the State Natural Science Award, P. R. China
    2014   IEEE Fellow (elected in November 2013)
    2014   Guan Zhaozhi Chair Professor, AMSS, CAS (2014-2016)
    2010   Second prize of the State Natural Science Award, P. R. China
    2009   Excellent Chinese Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor
    2009   Baojie Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor, CAS
    2009   Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor, CAS
    2009   Best Paper Award of the 7th Asian Control Conference
    2008   Outstanding research award of AMSS, CAS
    2008   Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor, CAS
    2007   Excellent Gradtuate Student Supervisor, CAS;
    Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor of AMSS, CAS
    2004   Guan Zhaozhi Best Paper Award of the 23rd Chinese Control Conference
    1997   Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China
    1995   First Prize of the Young Scientist Award of the CAS
    1994   Special Government Allowances of the State Council, China
    1991   The Excellent Prize of the President Award of the CAS
    1989   The Excellent Prize of the President Award of the CAS

    Activities in societies/organizations

  • Vice-President of the Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), 2014.1-present
  • Vice-President of the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS), 2020.1-2023.12
  • Standing member of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM), 2016.8-2020.8
  • Vice-President of the Shanghai Academy of Systems Science, 2015.1-2019.12
  • Vice-Chair of the Technical Board of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2014.8-2020.7
  • Convenor of Systems Science Discipline, Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, P. R. China, 2009-2020
  • Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), CAA, 2010.1-2017.12
  • Vice-President of the Systems Engineering Society of China (SESC), 2010.11-2018.10
  • Standing member of the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS), 2008.1-2015.12
  • Vice-President of the Beijing Mathematical Society, China, 2006.1-2013.12
  • Member of the Board of Governors, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2013.1-2013.12
  • Member of the Steering Committee, Asian Control Association, 2009.1-2014.2
  • Vice-General Secretary of the Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), 2002.1-2008.12
  • Vice-Chair of the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), CAA, 2002.1-2007.12
  • General Secretary of the TCCT, CAA, 1993.5-2002.12
  • Senior Member of the IEEE (Control Systems Society), 1997.1-2013.12
  • Member, IFAC Technical Committee on Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing, 2009--
  • Activities in journals

  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2014.1-2018.12
  • Editor-in-Chief, All About Systems and Control, 2014.1-2017.12
  • Managing Editor, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2007.6-2014.5
  • Senior Editor or Deputy/Associate Editor-in-Chief of the following journals:
    * SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2014.8-2027.12
    * SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 2014.8-2027.12
    * IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2019.1-2021.12
    * Systems Engineering --- Theory and Practice, 2011.1-2018.10
    * Control Theory and Applications, 2008.4-2013.7
    * Acta Automatica Sinica, 2005.4-2010.12
    * Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2004.10-2013.12
  • Associate editor/editorial board member of the following journals:
    * National Science Review, 2020.9-2025.9
    * IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007.1-2009.12
    * SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2008.1-2013.12
    * Acta Automatica Sinica, 1999.10-2010.12
    * Control Theory and Applications, 2003.7-2008.4
    * Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2003.11-2008.4
    * Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2006.1-2013.12
    * Aerospace Control and Application, 2008.1--
    * Journal of Shandong University (Engineering Science), 2011.7-2015.12
    * Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2022.11--
  • Activities in confernces

  • General Vice-Chair, 2018 Chinese Automation Congress, 2018
  • General Co-Chair, The 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2018
  • General Vice-Chair, 2017 Chinese Automation Congress & China Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference, 2017
  • General Vice-Chair, The 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017
  • General Vice-Chair, The 1st China Systems Science Congress, 2017
  • General Co-Chair, The 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 2014
  • General Co-Chair, The 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013
  • Program Chair/Co-Chair/Vice-Chair of the following conferences:
    * The 6th China Systems Science Congress, Shanghai, China, 2022
    * 2022 Chinese Automation Congress, Xiamen, China, 2022
    * 2021 Chinese Automation Congress, Kunming, China, 2021
    * The 4th China Systems Science Congress, Qingdao, China, 2020
    * 2020 Chinese Automation Congress, Shanghai, China, 2020
    * The 3rd China Systems Science Congress, Changsha, China, 2019
    * 2019 Chinese Automation Congress, Hangzhou, China, 2019
    * The 2nd China Systems Science Congress, Beijing, China, 2018
    * The 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2017), Toulouse, France, 2017
    * The 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Beijing, China, 2015
    * The 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China, 2011
    * The 9th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, China, 2012
    * The IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), part of the IEEE
       Multi-Conference on Systems & Control (MSC), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2012
    * International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, China, 2008
  • Organizing Committee Co-Chair of the following conferences:
    * The 21st-26th Chinese Control Conferences (CCC, 2002-2007)
    * The 1st-4th Chinese-Swedish Conference on Control (2003-2008)
    * The 1st-8th Conference on Frontier Problems in Systems and Control (2000-2008)
  • Finance Co-Chair of the 48th Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2009
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief, The 13th~26th Chinese Control Conferences, 1993-2007
  • Program Committee Member of the following conferences:
    * The 3rd-7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, China, 2000-2008;
    * The 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, France, 2009;
    * The 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Belgium, 2012.

Room 406, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
Tel: (86-10) 82541884(O)