Society Works
Participation in
Control Community:
1998-: Member of the Committee of Control
Theory, Chinese Automation Association;
1999-: Member of the Standing Committee,
Asian Control Professor Association;
2001-: Senior Member of IEEE ;
1990-1993: Associate Editor for
international journal: J. Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control
1999-: Associate Editor for international
journal: Automatica
2001-: Associate Editor for Asian J.
1998-: Associate Editor for Control Theory
and Applications
2000-: Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Control
and Decision
2001-: Associate Editor for J. Systems Science and Complexity
2001-: Associate Editor for Systems
Science and Mathematical Sciences
2003-: Chairman of the Technical Committee on Control
Theory, Chinese Association of Automation;
2003-: Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
for J. Control Theory and Applications
2006-: Fellow of IEEE (elected in 2005)
2006-2008: Chairman, IEEE CSS, Beijing Chapter
2006-2008: Subject Editor, Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control
Program Committee Chairman, International
Workshop on Advance on Nonlinear Systems and Nonlinear Control, July 9-11,
Beijing, 2000.
2. Organizing
Committee Chairman, International Symposium on Intervention and Adaptation on
Complex Systems, Beijing, Oct. 21-25,
3. Organizing
Committee Chairman, The first Swedish-Chinese Control Conference, August 19-24,
Stockholm, 2003.
4. Program
Committee Chairman, 22nd Chinese Control Conference, August 10-15, Yichang,
5. Program
Committee Chairman, 23rd Chinese Control Conference, August 10-13, Wixi, 2004.
6. Steering
Committee member: International Conference on Control and Automation, Xiamen,
2002; 5th Asian Control Conference, Melbourne, 2004, etc.
7. Organizing Committee Chairman, The second Chinese-Swedish Control Conference, October 16-17, Beijing, 2004.
8. Steering Committee Chairman, China-Japan Workshop on Advanced Robust Control and Adaptive Control, Theory and Applications, September 22-26, Beijing, 2004.
9. International
Program Committee member: 3rd Asian Control Conference, Shanghai, 2000; Third
World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hefei, 2000; Fifth World
Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hangzhou, 2004; NOLCOS 2004,
Stuttgart, 2004, IEEE CDC 2004, etc. 10. Program Committee Chairman, 24rd Chinese Control Conference, July 13-15, Guangzhou, 2005.
11. Program Committee Chairman, 25rd Chinese Control Conference, August 7-11, Harbin, 2006.
Proceedings Edited: 1. H.F. Cheng, D.
Cheng, J. Zhang (eds), Proceedings
of the 14th World Congress International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC), Beijing, July 5-9, 1999. 2. D. Cheng, X. Hu
(eds), Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese Control Conference, Yichang, August 11-14, 2003.
3. D. Cheng, X. Wang (eds), Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese Control Conference, Wuxi, August 10-15, 2004. 4. D.Cheng, B. Xu (eds), Proceedings of the 24th Chinese Control Conference, Guangzhou, July 15-18, 2005.