Key Laboratory of Systems and
Publications I Publications in
Refereed International Journals 1.
B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On convergence of nonlinear tracking differentiator,
International Journal of Control,
84(2011), 693-701. [zhaozl.pdf] [The first step
toward ADRC---This paper is dedicated in BZ Guo’s memory of Prof.Jingqing Han who initiated this
topic in 1989.pdf] 2. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On the convergence of extended state observer for nonlinear systems with uncertainty, Systems and Control Letters, 60(2011), 420-430. [The second step toward ADRC-Nleso.pdf] 3. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On convergence of the nonlinear active disturbance rejection control for MIMO Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(2013), 1727-1757. [The last step toward ADRC-MIMOADRC(R).pdf] 4. Z.L.Zhao and
B.Z.Guo, On convergence of nonlinear active disturbance rejection control for
a class of nonlinear systems, Journal
of Dynamical and Control Systems,
22(2016), 385-412. [Zhaozl9.pdf] Highlight: The above four papers have laid a theoretical foundation of
active disturbance rejection control (ADRC)
initiated by Prof.Jingqing Han in his pioneer works
during 1989-1998. Prof.Zhiqiang Gao’s PPT on
ADRC [zqgao.pdf] 5. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, Weak convergence of nonlinear high-gain tracking differentiator, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(2013), 1074-1080. [Zhaozl3.pdf] 6. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On convergence of nonlinear extended state observer for MIMO systems with uncertainty, IET Control Theory & Applications, 6(2012), 2375-2386. [Zhaozl4.pdf] 7. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, On active disturbance rejection control for nonlinear systems using time-varying gain, European Journal of Control, 23(2015), 62-70. [zhaozl6.pdf] 8. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, Extended state observer for uncertain lower triangular nonlinear systems, Systems and Control Letters, 85(2015), 100-108. [Zhaozl8(R4).pdf] 9. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, Active disturbance rejection control approach to stabilization of lower triangular systems with uncertainty, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 26(2016), 2314-2337. [Zhaozl7(R4).pdf] 10.B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, Active disturbance rejection control: theoretical perspectives, Communications in Information and Systems, 15(2015), 361-421. [Zhaozll0.pdf] 11.Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo,A nonlinear
extended state observer based on
fractional power functions, Automatica,
81(2017), 286-296. [Zhaozl11.pdf] 12.
Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, A novel extended state observer for output
tracking of MIMO systems with mismatched uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(2018), 211-218. [Zhaozl12.pdf] 13.Z.L.Zhao, R.N.Yuan,
B.Z.Guo, and Z.P.Jiang, Finite-time stabilization of nonlinear
uncertain MIMO systems, SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization, 61(2023), 2305-2333. [Zhaozl(R).pdf]
14. B.Z.Guo, Q.Q.Hu, and
F.F.Jin, Adaptive output regulation
for two coupled anti-stable strings with unknown exosystem, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of
Variations, to appear. [Huqq2.pdf] 15.B.Z.Guo, Z.Q.Tan, and R.X.Zhao, Adaptive observer for a coupled ODE-wave PDE system, International Journal of Systems Science, in press. [Tanzq1(R3).pdf] 16.X.D.Kang and B.Z.Guo,
Stabilization of stochastic nonlinear systems with multiplicative state
sensing noise,Asian
Journal of Control, in press. [Kangxd1.pdf] 17.H.J.Ren and
B.Z.Guo, Uniform exponential stability of semi-discrete scheme for
Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with non-collocated feedback, Systems & Control Letters,
197(2025), art no. 106017, 12pp. [Renhj4.pdf] 18.T.Meng, B.Z.Guo,
and W.He, Robust MIMO adaptive observer-based control for a Timoshenko beam, Automatica, 174(2025),art no.112155, 9pp. [MengTTTimo.pdf] 19.Y. Cheng, Y. Wu, Y. Wu, and B.Z.Guo, On absolute
exponential stability of the Korteweg-de Vries Burgers equation under
nonlinear boundary control, Automatica, 174(2025), art
no. 112178. 13pp. [Chengyi7.pdf]
Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization and decay rate
estimation of nonlinear flexible marine riser system with the rotational
inertia under nonlinear boundary
controls, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 70(2025), 720-735. [Chengyi5.pdf] 21.
Y. Wu, and B.Z.Guo, Exponential
stabilization and discrete approximation for
axially moving Euler-Bernoulli beam under nonlinear boundary control, SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization, 63(2025), 227-255. [Chengyi6.pdf] 22.H. Feng,
B.Z.Guo, and H.H. Bai, Adaptive boundary control for a 1-D unstable heat
equation with unknown parameter, Automatica,
173(2025), art
no 112050, 9pp. [FenghqR1.pdf] 23.R.X.Zhao, B.Z.Guo, and
L.Paunonen, Robust output regulation for multi-dimensional heat equation
under boundary control, Automatica, 171(2025), art
no. 111956. [ZhaorxMheat.pdf] 24.N. Yiming and
B.Z.Guo, Control approach to
well-posedness and asymptotic behavior of a queueing system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications, 542(2025), art no. 128789, 27pp. [Nur2.pdf] 25.B.Z.Guo and
F.Zheng, Uniform exponential stability for a Schrodinger equation and its
semi-discrete approximation, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(2024), 8900-8907. [ZhengfSch.pdf] 26.T. Meng,
B.Z.Guo, H.Huang, and W.He, Iterative
learning control for a flexible wing system under iteration-varying
disturbances and references, IEEE
Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60(2024), 1557-9603.
Q. Xiang, Z.H.Wu, H.C.Zhou,
Ju H. Park, and B.Z.Guo, Disturbance estimator-based boundary control
for a chaotic wave system with
disturbance, IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, 69(2024), 6762-6776.
[XiangqmTAC.pdf] 28. J.Wei and
B.Z.Guo, Periodic output regulation for 1-D wave equation subject to
non-collocated control, IFAC Journal of
Systems and Control, 29(2024), art no. 100271, 17pp. [Weij(R).pdf] 29.B.Z. Guo and Z.Q.Tan, Galerkin approximation for H-infinity control of the stable parabolic system under Dirichlet boundary control, Systems & Control Letters, 190(2024), art no. 105841,16pp. [TanzqSCL(R).pdf] 30. R.X.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, Output regulation for
a wave equation with unknown exosystem, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control,
69(2024), 3066-3079. [Zhaorxwave.pdf] 31.R.X.Zhao, B.Z.Guo, and Q.Q.Hu, Active disturbance rejection control approach to the output tracking of PDEs with general disturbances: A new perspective, Automatica, 164(2024), art no. 111608. [ZhaorxADRC(RR).pdf] 32. Y.Cheng, Y.Wu,
B.Z.Guo, and Y. Wu, Stabilization and decay rate estimation for axially
moving Kirchhoff-type beam with rotational inertia under nonlinear boundary feedback controls,
Automatica, 163(2024), art no.
111597. [Chengyi4.pdf] 33. B.Z.Guo,
H.L.Peng, and Z.H.Wu, Output tracking for nonlinear stochastic systems driven
by bounded and colored noises, Systems
& Control Letters, 183(2024), art no.
105677. [PhlSCL(RR).pdf] 34.J.Wang and
B.Z.Guo, A new approach to decentralized constrained nonlinear estimation
over noisy, Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications, 530(2024), art no. 127633. [WangjJMAA.pdf] 35.
B.Z.Guo and X.Zhao, Uniformly exponential stability of
semi-discrete scheme for a vibration cable with a tip mass under
observer-based feedback control, ESAIM:
Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 29(2023), art no. 72. [Zhaoxi.pdf] 36.T. Meng and
B.Z.Guo, Observer-based robust control for N-coupled wave equations, International Journal of Robust and
Nonlinear Control, 33(2023), 8548-8569. [MengTTNwave.pdf] 37. Q. Xiang, Z.H.Wu, Ju H.
Park, and B.Z.Guo, Observability and observers for a class of 2-D hyperbolic
PDE chaotic systems, SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization, 61(2023), 2282-2304. [XiangqmSIAM.pdf] 38. B.Z.Guo and R.X.Zhao, Output regulation for Euler-Bernoulli beam
with unknown exosystem using adaptive internal model, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61(2023), 2088-2113. [ZhaorxBeam.pdf] 39. M. Li, Z.H.Wu, F.Deng, and B.Z.Guo, Active disturbance rejection control to consensus of second-order stochastic multi-agent systems, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 10(2023), 993-1004 [WuzhIEEECNS.pdf] 40. Z.H.Wu, H.C.Zhou, F.Deng,
and B.Z.Guo, Disturbance observer-based boundary control for an anti-stable
stochastic heat equation with unknown disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(2023), 3604-3611. [Wuzh22.pdf] 41. H.Feng and
B.Z.Guo, Extended dynamics observer for linear systems with disturbance, European Journal of Control, 71(2023),
no 100806. [FenghEJC.pdf] 42.B.Z.Guo, H.L.Peng, and Z.H.Wu, On convergence of nonlinear tracking differentiator based on finite-time stable system subject to stochastic noise, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 23(2023) , no.100215. [Penghl1.pdf] 43. F. Zheng, 44. W.Kang, X.N.Wang, and
B.Z.Guo, Observer-based fuzzy quantized control for a stochastic
third-order parabolic PDE system, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernatics: Systems, 53(2023),
485-494. [Kangw9.pdf] 45. 46.H.Feng, X.H.Wu, and B.Z.Guo, Dynamics compensation approach to stabilization and observation for abstract linear systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 518(2023), 126710, 31pp. [FenghJMAA.pdf] 47.Y.Cheng,Y.Wu,
and B.Z.Guo, Boundary stability criterion for a nonlinear axially moving
beam, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, 67(2022), 5714-5729. [Chengyi2.pdf] 48.H.J.Ren and B.Z.Guo, Uniformly exponential stability of semi-discrete scheme for observer-based control of 1-D wave equation, Systems & Control Letters, 168(2022), 105346, 12pp. [Renhjnu.pdf] 49.
Y. Cheng, B.Z.Guo, and Y.Wu, Boundary
stabilization for axially moving Kirchhoff string under
fractional PI control, Zeitschrift für Angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik(ZAMM),102(2022),
e202100524, 22pp. [Chengyi3.pdf] 50.
Z.H.Wu, F.Deng, B.Z.Guo, C.Wu, and Q.Xiang, Backstepping active
disturbance rejection control for lower triangular nonlinear systems with
mismatched stochastic disturbances, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernatics: Systems, 52(2022), 2688-2702. [WuzhSMC.pdf]
J.Wei and B.Z.Guo, Output regulation for 1-D reaction-diffusion equation with a class of time-varying disturbances from
exosystem, Automatica, 14(2022),
110274, 9pp. [Weijing(RR).pdf] 52.
Kang, D.W.Ding, B.Z.Guo, and Q. Li,
H_infty fuzzy control for nonlinear fourth-order parabolic equation
subject to input delay, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernatics: Systems, 52(2022), 2531-2539. [Kangw6.pdf]
53.H.C.Zhou, Z.H.Wu, B.Z.Guo, and Y.Chen, Boundary stabilization and disturbance rejection for an unstable time fractional diffusion-wave equation, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 28(2022), paper no. 7, 30 pp. [Zhouhccocv.pdf] 54.J.J.Liu and
B.Z.Guo, Robust tracking error feedback control for a one-dimensional
Schrodinger equation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(2022), 1120-1134. [Liujun4.pdf]
J.Liu, R.Hao, and B.Z.Guo, Order reduction-based uniform approximation
of exponential stability for one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, Systems & Control Letters,
160(2022), 105136, 9pp. [Liujk4.pdf] 56.
B.Z.Guo and R.X.Zhao, Output regulation for a heat equation with
unknown exosystem, Automatica,
138(2022) ,110159, 9pp. [Zhaorx1(RR).pdf] 57.Z.X.Zhao,
B.Z.Guo, and Z.Han, Boundary control and observation to inverse coefficient
problem for heat equation with unknown source and initial value, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
66(2021), 6003-6010. [Zhaozx6.pdf]
Z.J.Han,Z.J.Liu, and B.Z.Guo, Fuzzy observer for 2D parabolic equation with output time delay, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29(2021), 3552-3560. [KangW5.pdf] 59.
B.Z.Guo and T.Meng, Robust output feedback control for output
regulation of Euler-Bernoulli beam equations, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 33(2021) , 707-754.
[Mengbeamr.pdf] 60.B.Z.Guo and H.J.Ren, Riesz basis property and exponential stability for one-dimensional thermoelastic system with variable coefficients, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 27(2021), article no.98, 25pp. [Renhjthermal(R).pdf] 61.J.Liu and B.Z.Guo, Uniformly semidiscretized approximation for exact observability and controllability of one-dimensional Euler-Bernoulli beam, Systems & Control Letters, 156 (2021) , 105013, 8pp. [Liujk3.pdf] 62.J.Wei and
B.Z.Guo, Dynamic and static feedback control for second order
infinite-dimensional systems,Asia Journal of Control, 23(2021), 1431-1440. [WeiJ3tougao.pdf] 63.M.Ghattassi and B.Z.Guo,
Output tracking for a radiative density optical communication system with
unknown disturbance, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 17(2021), 100164, 12pp.
[MohamedIFAC.pdf] 64.
B.Z.Guo and
S.A. Ivanov, Finite dimensional control of multichannel systems, Journal of Differential Equations,
296(2021), 213-241. [SergeiTimosa(R4).pdf] 65.
Y. Cheng, Y. Wu, and B.Z.Guo, Absolute
boundary stabilization for an axially moving Kirchhoff beam, Automatica, 129(2021) , 109667,12p. [Chengyi1.pdf]
66.B.Z.Guo and
T.Meng, Robust output regulation for Timoshenko beam equation with two
inputs and two outputs, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 31(2021), 1245-1269. [MengTTTbeam.pdf] 67.B.Z.Guo and
T.Meng, Robust output regulation of 1-d wave equation, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 16(2021), 100140, 10pp. [Mengwave(R).pdf] 68.Z.H.Wu,
H.C.Zhou, B.Z.Guo, and F.Deng, Review and new theoretical perspectives on
active disturbance rejection control for uncertain finite-dimensional and
infinite-dimensional systems, Nonlinear
Dynamics, 101(2020) , 935–959. [Wuzhnd.pdf] 69.B.Z.Guo and H.J.Ren, Stability and regularity transmission for coupled beam and wave equations through boundary weak connections, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 26(2020), article no.73, 29pp. [Renhj-R2.pdf] 70.
J.Wei, H.Feng, and
B.Z.Guo, Asymptotic stabilization for
a wave equation with periodic disturbance, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37(2020),
894–917. [WeiJ2IMA.pdf] 71.X.H.Wu, H.Feng, and B.Z.Guo, Output feedback stabilization for 1-D wave equation with variable coefficients and non-collocated observation, Systems & Control Letters,145 (2020) , 104780, 10pp. [FengHvariable.pdf] 72.J. Liu and B.Z.Guo, A new semi-discretized order reduction finite difference scheme for uniform approximation of 1-d wave equation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58(2020), 2256-2287. [Liujk1.pdf ] 73.B.Z.Guo and B.B.Xu, A semi-discrete finite difference method to uniform stabilization of wave equation with local viscosity, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control,13(2020),101000,13pp. [xubb.pdf] 74.Z.H.Wu and
B.Z.Guo, Active disturbance rejection
control to MIMO nonlinear systems with
stochastic uncertainties: approximate decoupling and output-feedback
stabilization, International
Journal of Control, 93(2020), 1408-1427. [WuzhMIMO.pdf] 75.B.Z.Guo and
Z.D.Mei, Output feedback stabilization for a class of first-order equation setting of collocated
well-posed linear systems with time delay in observation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
65(2020), 2612-2618. [MeizdTAC(3).pdf] 76.Z.H.Wu and
B.Z.Guo, Extended state observer for MIMO nonlinear systems with stochastic
Journal of Control,93(2020), 424-436. [wuzh-MIMOESO.pdf] 77.H.C.Zhou, B.Z.Guo, and S.H.Xiang, Performance output tracking for multi-dimensional heat equation subject to unmatched disturbance and non-collocated control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(2020),1940-1955. [ZhouhcHeat(R3).pdf] 78.H.Feng, B.Z.Guo, and X.H.Wu, Trajectory planning approach to output tracking for a 1-D wave equation,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(2020) ,1841-1854. [FengHplanning.pdf] 79.
Z.X.Zhao, M.K.Banda, and B.Z.Guo, Boundary switch on/off control
approach to simultaneous identification of diffusion coefficient and initial
state for one-dimensional heat equation, Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 25(2020), 2533-2554. [Zhaozx3.pdf] 80.
B.Z.Guo and H.J.Ren, Stabilization and regularity transmission
of a Schrodinger equation through boundary connections with a Kelvin-Voigt
damped beam equation, Zeitschrift fur
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik(ZAMM),100(2020), e201900013, 20 pp. [RenHJ-ZAMM-R1.pdf] 81.B.Z.Guo and T.Meng, Robust error based non-collocated output tracking control for a heat equation, Automatica, 114(2020), 108818, 11 pp. [First paper on IMP to PDE] [MengR2.pdf] 82.Z.D.Mei and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization for infinite-dimensional linear systems with bounded control and time delayed observation, Systems & Control Letters, 134(2019), 104532, 9 pp. [Meizd2(RR).pdf] 83.J.Liu and
B.Z.Guo, A novel semi-discrete scheme
preserving uniformly exponential stability for an Euler-Bernoulli beam, Systems & Control Letters, 134(2019), 104518, 10 pp. [Liujk2.pdf] 84.F.F.Jin and
B.Z.Guo, Performance boundary output tracking for a wave equation with
control unmatched disturbance, European Journal of Control, 50(2019), 30-40.
[Jinffwavetrack.pdf] 85.
F.F.Jin and B.Z.Guo, Boundary output tracking for an
Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with unmatched perturbations from a known
exosystem, Automatica, 109(2019),
108507, 9 pp. [Jinffbeamout.pdf] 86.
C. Lv,
B.Z.Guo, and Y. Chen,
Mittag-Leffler stabilization for an unstable time fractional anomalous
diffusion equation with boundary control matched disturbance, International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(2019), 4384-4401. [zhouhcRNC(R2).pdf] 87.Z.H.Wu and
B.Z.Guo, On convergence of active disturbance rejection control for a class
of uncertain stochastic nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control, 92(2019), 1103-1116. [WuzhIJC-R.pdf] 88.
W.Bai, S.Chen, Y.Huang, B.Z.Guo, and Z.H.Wu, Observers and
observability for uncertain nonlinear systems: A necessary and
sufficient condition, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29(2019),
2960-2977. [baiwyRNC.pdf] 89.D.H.Yang, B.Z.Guo, W.Gui,and C.Yang, The bangb bang property of time-varying optimal time control for null controllable heat equation, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 182(2019), 588- 605. [YangDHJotaR5.pdf] 90.W.Kang and B.Z.Guo, Arbitrary decay for boundary stabilization of Schrodinger equation subject to unknown disturbance by Lyapunov approach, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control,7(2019),100033.[Kangw18.pdf] 91.H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization of ODE with hyperbolic equation actuator subject to boundary control matched disturbance, International Journal of Control, 92(2019), 12-26. [hczhouHDE(R).pdf] 92.Z.X.Zhao, M.K.Banda, and B.Z.Guo, Simultaneous identification of damping coefficient and initial value for PDEs from boundary measurement, International Journal of Control, 91(2018), 1508–1521. [Zhaozx4.pdf] 93.
Y. Liu ,
B.Z.Guo, Ju H.
Park , and S. M. Lee,
Event-based reliable dissipative filtering for T-S fuzzy systems with asynchronous
constraints, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(2018), 2089-2098. [Liuyj5.pdf]
[regular paper] 94.
Y.Liu, Ju H. Park, B.Z.Guo,
F.Fang, and F.Zhou,
Event-triggered dissipative synchronization for Markovian jump neural networks with general transition
probabilities, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(2018),
3893-3908. [Liuyj6.pdf] 95.F.F.Jin and B.Z. Guo, Performance boundary output tracking for one-dimensional heat equation with boundary unmatched disturbance, Automatica, 96(2018),1-10. [JinFFheattrack] 96.Z.H.Wu and
B.Z.Guo, Approximate decoupling and
output tracking for MIMO nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties via
ADRC approach, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355 (2018), 3873–3894. [WuzhJFI(R).df] 97.Y. Liu, Ju H. Park, B.Z.Guo, and Y.Shu, Further results on stabilization of chaotic systems based on fuzzy memory sampled-data control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(2018), 1040-1045. [Liuyj7.pdf] 98.
H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Performance output tracking for
one-dimensional wave equation subject to unmatched general disturbance and
non-collocated control, European Journal of Control, 39(2018),
39-52. [Zhouhcwaveout.pdf] 99.H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Boundary feedback stabilization for an unstable time fractional reaction diffusion equation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(2018), 75-101. [ZhouhcFrac(R1).pdf] 100.
Y. Liu,
B.Z. Guo, Ju H. Park, and S.M.
Lee, Non-fragile exponential synchronization of delayed complex dynamical
networks with memory sampled-data control, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems, 29(2018), 118-128. [regular paper] [Liuyj3.pdf] 101.
H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Unknown input observer design and output
feedback stabilization for multi-dimensional wave equation with boundary
control matched uncertainty, Journal of
Differential Equations, 263(2017),
2213–2246. [ZhouhcWO.pdf] 102. B.Z.Guo and Z.H.Wu, Active disturbance rejection control approach to output feedback stabilization of lower triangular nonlinear systems with stochastic uncertainty, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(2017), 2773-2797. [WzhRNC-RR.pdf] 103.
H.Feng and B.Z.Guo,Active
disturbance rejection control: New and old
results, Annual Reviews in Control,
44(2017), 238-248. [FengADRCR1.pdf] 104. B.Z.Guo,Z.H.Wu and H.C.Zhou, Comments on “Stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with actuator saturation via active disturbance rejection control’’ [Automatica, 63(2016), 302-310], Automatica, 83(2017), 398. [Wuzhcomment.pdf] 105. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, New unknown input observer and output feedback stabilization for uncertain heat equation, Automatica, 86(2017), 1-10. [Fenghheat.pdf] 106. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, A new active disturbance rejection control to output feedback stabilization for a one-dimensional anti-stable wave equation with disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(2017), 3774-3787. [Fengh6(R2).pdf] 107.
Y. Liu, B.Z. Guo, and Ju
H. Park, Non-fragile H∞ filtering for
delayed Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy systems with randomly occurring gain variations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 316(2017),
99–116. [Liuyj4.pdf]
108. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, Observer design and exponential stabilization for wave equation in energy space by boundary displacement measurement only, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(2017), 1438-1444. [Fengh5RTAC.pdf] 109. Z.X.Zhao, M.K.Banda, and B.Z.Guo, Simultaneous identification of diffusion coefficient, spacewise dependent source and initial value for one-dimensional heat equation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(2017), 3552-3565. [Zhaozx5heat.pdf] 110. Y.Liu, Ju H. Park, and B.Z.Guo, Results on stability of linear systems with time varying delay, IET Control Theory & Applications, 11(2017),129-134. [Liuyj2.pdf] 111. B.Z.Guo and Z.H.Wu, Output tracking for a class of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties by active disturbance rejection control, Systems & Control Letters, 100(2017), 21-31. [WuzhSCL-R.pdf] 112. H.C.Zhou, B.Z.Guo, and Z.H.Wu, Output feedback stabilization for a cascaded wave PDE-ODE system subject to boundary control matched disturbance, International Journal of Control, 89(2016), 2396-2405. [zhouwvODE(R).pdf] 113. B.Z.Guo and H.Q.Yu, Optimal state estimation for non-time invertible evolutionary system, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(2016), 2754-2786. [yuhqsiam.pdf ] 114.
Y.J.Liu, Ju H. Park, B.Z. Guo,
Non-fragile H_1 filtering for
nonlinear discrete-time delay systems with randomly occurring gain
variations, ISA Transactions,
63(2016), 196-203. [Liuyj1.pdf]. 115. B.Z.Guo, Y.S.Xu,
and D.H.Yang, Optimal actuator location of
minimum norm controls for heat
equation with general controlled
domain, Journal of Differential
Equations, 261(2016), 3588-3614. [Yangdh20(4R).pdf] 116. R.L.Wen, S.G.Chai, and B.Z.Guo, Well-posedness and exact controllability of fourth-order Schrödinger equation with hinged boundary control and collocated observation, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 28(2016), article 22. [Wenrl3.pdf] 117. W.Kang and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization of unstable cascaded heat PDE system subject to boundary disturbance,IET Control Theory & Applications, 10(2016),1027-1039. [Kangw4.pdf] 118. B.Z.Guo, Z.H.Wu, and H.C.Zhou, Active disturbance rejection control approach to output-feedback stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems subject to stochastic disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(2016), 1613-1618. [Wuzh1.pdf] 119.
W.Guo and B.Z.Guo, Performance output tracking
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241. B.Z. Guo and K.Y.
Chan, Riesz basis generation, eigenvalues distribution, and exponential
stability for a Euler-Bernoulli beam with joint feedback control, Revista
Mathematica Complutense,14(1)(2001), 205-229. [hkuguo.pdf] 242. B.Z. Guo, X.H.
Xia, F. R. Camisani-Calzolari and I. K. Craig, A semi-discrete approach to
modelling and control of the continuous casting process, Steel Research,
71(2000), 220-227. [steel.pdf] 243. W.D. Zhu, B. Z.
Guo and C. D. Jr Mote, Stabilization of a translating tensioned beam through
a pointwise control force, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement,
and Control, 122(2000) 322-331. [ASMEJDSMC29.pdf] 244. B.Z. Guo, and
J.X. Wang, The unbounded energy solution for free vibration of an axially
moving string, J. Vibration and Control, 6(5)(2000),651-665. [JVC2.pdf] 245. B.Z. Guo,
Asymptotic behavior of the energy of vibration of a moving string with
varying length, J. of Vibration and Control, 6(2000),491-507. [JVC1.pdf] 246. B.Z. Guo and
C.Z. Xu, On the spectrum-determined growth condition of a vibration cable
with a tip mass, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45(2000),
89-93. [sieee00.pdf] 247. B.Z. Guo and
J.C. Chen, The first real eigenvalue of a one-dimensional linear
thermoelastic system, Journal of Computers and Mathematics
with Applications, 38(1999), 249-256. [jcm1.pdf] 248. B.Z. Guo, On the
exponential stability of C0-semigroups on Banach spaces
with compact perturbations, Semigroup Forum, 59(2)(1999), 190-196. [sf99.pdf] 249. W.D. Zhu and
B.Z. Guo, Free and forced vibration of an axially moving string with an
arbitrary velocity profile, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
65(4)(1998), 901-907. [wguo.pdf] 250. B.Z. Guo and
Z.H. Luo, On the exponential stability of an initial- boundary equation
arising from strain feedback control of flexible robot arms with rigid
offset, International Journal of Control, 69(2)(1998), 227-238. [ijc1.pdf]
251. B.Z. Guo, The
characterization of the exponential stability of a family of C0-semigroups
by infinitesimal generators, Semigroup Forum, 56(1998), 78-83. [sf98.pdf] 252. W.D. Zhu and
B.Z. Guo, On Hybrid boundary control of flexible systems, ASME Journal of
Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 119(1997), 836-839. . [zhuguo1.pdf] 253. B.Z. Guo and
W.D. Zhu, On the energy decay of two coulpled strings through a joint damper,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203(3)(1997), 447-455. [sdarticle.pdf]
254. W.D. Zhu, Mote
C.D. Jr and B.Z. Guo, Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of constrained
translating string, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 64(1997),
613-619. [zhuguo2.pdf] 255. B.Z. Guo and
S.P. Yung, Asymptotic behavior of the eigenfrequency of a one-dimensional
linear thermoelastic system, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 213(1997), 406-421.
[jmaa1.pdf] 256. Z.H. Luo and
B.Z. Guo, Shear force feedback control of a single link flexible robot with
revolute joint, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42(1)(1997),
53-65. [luoguo.pdf] 257. B.Z. Guo and
Z.H. Luo, Stability analysis of a hybrid system arising from feedback control
of flexible robots, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 13(3)(1996),
417-434. [jjiam96.pdf] 258. B.Z. Guo and
Z.H. Luo, Initial-boundary value problem for a flexible beam vibration with
gain adaptive direct strain feedback control, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory,
Methods and Applications, 27(1996), 353-365. [natm96.pdf] 259. Z.H. Luo, N.
Kitamura and B.Z. Guo, Shear force feedback control of flexible robot arms,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Automation, 11(5)(1995),760-765. [IEEETRA45.pdf]
260. Z.H. Luo and
B.Z. Guo, Further theoretical results on direct strain feedback control of
flexible robot arms, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
40(4)(1995), 747-751. [IEEETAC46.pdf] 261. B.Z. Guo, A
finite difference scheme for the equation of population dynamics, Mahtl.
& Comput. Modelling, 21(5)(1995), 75-87. [MCM47.pdf]
262. B.Z. Guo and Q.
Song, Tracking control of a flexible beam by nonlinear boundary feedback, Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 8(1)(1995), 47-58. [jamsa95.pdf] 263. B.Z. Guo,
Asymptotic behavior of the spectrum of a direct strain feedback control
system, J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. B, 37(1995), 86-98. [guoas.pdf] 264. B.Z. Guo and
Z.H. Luo, On the analytic solution of a controlled flexible arm system with
structural damping, Indian J. Pure & Appl. Math., 25(2)(1994),1223-1227.
[guoin.pdf] 265. B.Z. Guo and
W.L. Chan, On the semigroup for age-dependent population dynamics with
spatial diffusion, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 184(1994), 190-199. [jmaa94.pdf]
266. B.Z. Guo and
Y.H. Luo, Semigroup approach to the stability of a direct strain feedback
control system of elastic vibration with structureal damping, Appl. Math.
Letters, 7(1994), 95-100.[guoap.pdf] 267. B.Z. Guo, Rothe
approximation to an ablation-transpiration cooling control system, Mathl.
and Comput. Modelling, 18(1993), 63-74.[Roth.pdf]
268. B.Z. Guo, Rothe
approach to the existence of solution of an ablation-transpiration cooling
control system, J. Appl. Math. and Stochastic Anal., 6(1993),161-180.
269. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Age-dependent population based on interval parity progression, Mathl.
and Comput. Modelling,16(4)(1992), 57-68. [chan92.pdf]
270. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Controlled age-dependent population dynamics based on parity
progression, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 166(2)(1992), 442-455. [chanj1.pdf]
271. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Pointwise stabilization for a chain of vibrating strings, IMA
Journal of Mathematical Control and Information,7(1990),
307-315. [ima91.pdf] 272. Paul C.K. Kwong
and B.Z. Guo, A time-dependent McKendrick population model for Logistic
transition, Mathl. and Comput. Modelling, 15(1991),49-59. [kwang.pdf]
273. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Overtaking optimal control problem of age-dependent populations
with infinite horizon, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 150(1990),41-53. [chen90.pdf]
274. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Global behavior of age-dependent Logistic population models, Journal
of Mathematical Biology, 28(1990), 225-235. [jmb0001.pdf] 275. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Optimal birth control of population dynamics II: problems with free
final time, phase constraints and minimax costs, J. Math. Anal. Appl.,
146(2)(1990), 523-539. [chan902.pdf] 276. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, On the semigroups for age-dependent population dynamics with
spatial diffusion, Manuscripta Mathematica, 66(1989), 161-181. [chang.pdf] 277. W.L. Chan and
B.Z. Guo, Optimal birth control of population dynamics, J. Math. Anal.
Appl., 144(2)(1989), 532-552. [chan89.pdf]
278. B. Z. Guo and W.
L. Chan, A semigroup approach to age-dependent population dynamics with time
delay, Communication in Partial Differential Equations, 14(6)(1989),
809-832.[Chenguo.pdf] My
Publications II (part) 1. J.M.Wang, B.Z.Guo and K.Y.Yang, Stability analysis
for an Euler-Bernoulli beam under
Local internal control and boundary observation, Journal of Control Theory and
Applications, 6(4)(2008),
341-350. [JCTAwang.pdf] 2. 姚翠珍,郭宝珠. 弹性梁点控制、点测量与指数镇定,控制理论与应用, 20(3)(2003), 351-360. [cta03.pdf] 3. 谢宇,郭宝珠. 弹性弦 Dirichlet 边界反馈控制的镇定与 Riesz 基生,数学的实践与认识, 33(3)(2003), 99-108. [mpt03.pdf] 4. B.Z.Guo and
W.Guo, High-gain adaptive regulator
for a string equation with uncertain harmonic disturbance under boundary
output feedback control, Journal of Control Theory and Applications,
1(1)(2003), 35-42. [jcta03.pdf] 5. 于景元,郭宝珠,朱广田. L[0, rm]
中人口发展渐近展开及人口系统的可控性[J]. 系统科学与数学,7(2)(1987), 97-104. [jssms87.pdf] 6. B.Z.Guo and
C.Z.Yao, New results on the
exponential stability of non-stationary population dynamics, Acta
Mathematica Scientia, 16(3)(1996), 330-337. [ams96.pdf] 7. Z.X.Zhao and
B.Z.Guo, An algorithm for determination of age-specific fertility rate from
initial age structure and total population, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity , 25(5)(2012), 833-844. [zhaozx.pdf] 8. D.H.Yang and
B.Z.Guo, On nodal line of the second
eigenfunction of the Laplacian over concave domains in R^2, Journal of
Systems Science and Complexity , 26(3)(2013), 483-488. [yangdh.pdf] 9.
郭宝珠, 分布参数系统控制:问题,方法和进展,系统科学与数学,32(12)(2012), 1526-1541. [Guolab.pdf] 10.
赵志良,郭宝珠,自抗扰控制对具边界扰动和区间内反阻尼的波动方程的镇定,控制理论与应用, 30(12)(2.13), 1553-1563. [ZhoazlCh.pdf] 11.
Z.X.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, Boundary control method to identification
of elastic modulus of string equation from Neumann-Dirichlet map, Journal
of Systems Science and Complexity ,
29(2016), 1212-1225. [Zhaozx1.pdf] 12.
Z.H.Wu and B.Z.Guo, Extended state observer for uncertain lower
triangular nonlinear systems subject to stochastic disturbance, Control Theory
and Technology, 14(3)(2016), 179-188. [WuzhChinese.pdf] 13.
B.Z.Guo and T.T.Wu, Numerical solution to optimal feedback
control by dynamic programming approach: A local approximation algorithm, Journal of
Systems Science and Complexity, 30(2017), 782–802. [Wutt1(rJ).pdf] 14.
F.F.Jin and B.Z.Guo, Proof of three lemmas for the paper
``Boundary output tracking for an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with
unmatched perturbations from a known exosystem,[
jinguobeam.pdf] 15.
郑福, 关艺博,刘建康, 郭宝珠, 粘性波方程的一致指数镇定和状态重构, 中国科学.数学,22(7)(2022), 845-864. [ZhengfZ.pdf] 16.
赵志学,郭宝珠,韩中杰,一类反应扩散方程的参数辨识和源项反演,控制理论与应用, 9(9)(2022), 1601-1608. [ZhaozxChinese.pdf] 17.
Z.H.Wu, H.C.Zhou, B.Z.Guo
, and F.Deng, On the convergence of
tracking differentiator with multiple
stochastic disturbances, Science China: Information Sciences, 67(2)(2024), art no. 122203, 1-13. [WuzhSChina.pdf] My
Publications III (part)
2. B.Z.Guo, Active disturbance
rejection control: from ODEs to PDEs, Plenary talk in 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of
Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations, Bertinoro,
Italy, 13-15,June, 2016. [Italy.pdf
3. 郭宝珠,月明图们忆先生, 系统与控制纵横, No.2, 2014, 58-63. [Blog.pdf]
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