Applications are invited for two years post-doctoral research 
(2002-2004), three to six months short-term visiting (from January 
2002), three years Ph.D program (from September 2002) in infinite 
dimensional system control, partial differential equation control or 
mathematical biology. 

Distributed parameter system control is one of active research 
fields in system control theory. It studies modeling, PDE solution, 
control and numerical approximation of systems described by 
evolution equation in abstract Hilbert spaces or partial 
differential equations with engineering background. 

Applications are invited to join my research group of infinite 
dimensional system control at Institute of Systems Sciences, Academy 
of Mathematics and System Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Science, 
supported by 100-talent program. 

Background on system control, functional analysis, partial 
differential equations are required. 

Further particulars may be obtained from me directly. Written 
applications enclosing a curriculum vitae should be sent me by air 
mail or electrically mail. 

hu Guo,